"Home is where your story begins..."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sex and the city, yay!

I'm off to the movies this afternoon. I'm calling it research. Seriously! Sex and the city came out recently and so far all the comments I've heard from friends who went to see it boil down to "no story line whatsoever, but Carrie's home looked amazing!". So of course I have to go see it. Who cares about a plot when you can get a good full hour of inspirational interiors, while digging into some guilt-free carbs?

Look out for my comments and tips on "how to get the look" in my column this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I think, that is really a good lesson to learn from, most times we get knowledge from different sources and in different dimension. for most people the movie was the content, but here u made us realise that if u search within the content, there is something more fascinating and meaningful. more grease to your elbow.
